Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Pechal (makanan orang jawa)

Pechal Receipt (got it from Haslina)


  • Kacang tanah
  • Gula
  • Asam Jawa
  • Garam
  • Cili Kering/Cili Api
  • Bawang Merah
  • Bawang Putih

  • Kacang Panjang
  • Kangkung
  • Taugeh
  • Sengkuang
  • Timun
  • Tauhu
How To Make Pecal :


Goreng kacang tanah menggunakan minyak. Setelah garing blend kan kacang tanah goreng tersebut. Cili kering/cili api digoreng sekejap dengan minyak kemudian terus angkat. Kemudian tumbuk cili kering/cili api goreng tadi. Bawang merah dan baawang putih dicincang halus. Asam jawa dilarutkan dengan air suam. Bahan-bahan tadi seterusnya digaul dengan gula dan garam secukup rasa.


Celur kacang panjang, taugeh, kangkung. Kemudian hiris mengikut saiz yang sesuai begitu juga dengan timun dan sengkuang. Goreng tauhu dan potong mengikut saiz yang sesuai.

Pechal sedia untuk dimakan. Selamat menjamu selera!!!

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Fadhilat Solat Tarawikh Malam Kelima - Kelimabelas

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kelima
Allah SWT akan mengurniakan pahala seumpama pahala orang-orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang di Masjidil Haram, Masjidil Madinah dan Masjidil Aqsa.

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keenam
Allah S.W.T akan mengurniakan kepadanya pahala seumpama pahala malaikat-malaikat yang bertawaf di Baitul Makmur serta setiap batu dan tanah berdoa untuk keampunan orang-orang yang mengerjakan tarawih malam itu.

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Ketujuh
Seolah-olah ia dapat bertemu dengan Nabi Musa a.s serta menolong Nabi itu menentang musuhnya Fir’aun dan Hamman.

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kelapan
Allah S.W.T mengurniakan pahala orang yang bersolat tarawih sebagaimana pahala yang dikurniakan kepada Nabi Ibrahim a.s.

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kesembilan
Allah S.W.T akan mengurniakan pahala dan dinaikkan mutu ibadat hamba-Nya seperti Nabi Muhammad s.a.w.

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kesepuluh
Allah SWT mengurniakan kepadanya kebaikan dunia dan akhirat.

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kesebelas
Ia meninggal dunia di dalam keadaan bersih dari dosa seperti baru dilahirkan.

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keduabelas
Ia akan dibangkitkan pada hari kiamat dengan muka yang bercahaya-cahaya.

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Ketigabelas
Ia akan datang pada hari kiamat di dalam keadaan aman sentosa dari sebarang kejahatan dan keburukan.

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keempatbelas
Malaikat-malaikat akan datang menyaksikan mereka bersolat Tarawih serta Allah S.W.T. tidak akan menyesatkan mereka.

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kelimabelas
Semua malaikat yang memikul ‘Arasy dan Kursi akan berselawat dan mendoakannya supaya Allah mengampunkannya.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Kelima

Fadhilat Solat Tarawikh Malam Kelima

Allah SWT akan mengurniakan pahala seumpama pahala orang-orang yang mengerjakan sembahyang di Masjidil Haram, Masjidil Madinah dan Masjidil Aqsa.

Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Keempat

Fadhilat Solat Tarawikh Malam Keempat

Orang-orang yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih akan memperolehi pahala sebagaimana pahala yang diperolehi oleh orang-orang yang membaca kitab-kitab Taurat, Zabur, Injil dan Al-Quran.

Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Kelebihan Solat Tarawih Malam Ketiga

Fadhilat Solat Tarawikh Malam Ketiga

Para malaikat di bawah 'Arasy menyeru kepada manusia yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih itu agar meneruskan solatnya pada malam-malam yang lain, semoga Allah akan mengampunkan dosa-dosa mereka.

Monday, September 01, 2008

What Missing???

Funny but meaningful verse..catch this out..

Get Vietnamese worker, DOG missing!
Get Bangla, Malay girls missing!
Get Indon maid, HUSBAND missing!
Get d police, EVIDENCE missing!
Call d witness, whole FAMILY missing!
Found medical report, DOCTOR missing!
Government changed, FUNDS and documents missing!
Choose Anwar as PM, Che Det missing!
Come Ramadhan, Syaitan missing!
Salam Ramadan...

Fadhilat Solat Tarawikh Malam Kedua
Diampunkan dosa orang-orang yang beriman yang mengerjakan solat Tarawih, serta dosa-dosa kedua ibubapanya.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Merdeka vs Ramadhan

31st August, all Malaysian including me..celebrating our independence day and of course along with the 1st Ramadhan..luckily nice timing because muslim's able to prepare themselves for this barakah month since tomorrow will be public holiday..the 31st August fell on Sunday so the next day that is Monday will be the public holiday..that is the public holiday system in Malaysia.

Went to see my old friend Mariam today, who just coming back from Japan for summer holiday..hmm..if I am not mistaken (summer or winter right now at Japan?). Look a bit chubby. Maybe she is having fun doing her PHD.. Gosh, she is too young to be a Dr Mariam.. but she was and (I believe)is working very2 hard for that. I think she is my only friend I can remember that was very committed in study. How can I be just like her?

No.. I don't think so..because I like the way I am right now.. I don't want to be anyone else.. I just want to be me..just me (wow..same dialogue Harry Potter did..hihihihihi---> addicted to Harry Potter lately) I have a loving family, a good career, nice friends.. that enough for me.. I don't want to be greed.. I just hoping that I could live in a very simple life and happily ever after (just like Shrek and Fiona) and the most important thing is..live with the bless of Allah's ..this thing most people have forgotten..including me..

Fadhilat Solat Tarawikh Malam Pertama:
Keluarlah semua dosa-dosanya seolah-olah baru dilahirkan dari perut ibu.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Importance of Swimming..

Last weekend i went for a trip to Lake Kenyir (hulu terengganu). Joining the non verified club (kelab kembara skbr)..hehehe..under sharifah's leadership..my husband (the handsome guy)following either..else was of course sharifah herself (the 'cemerlang' teacher), haslina (the intermediate swimmer), rosniza (the savior), haninadia (the somebody's becoming girlfriend), shahniza (the normal teacher), zura (sharifah's friend)---->geng the anak2 dara and also cikgu rahim (the 'not' good fisher), azmi noor (the skema guy), nizam (the good swimmer+fisher), shahfuri (the somebody's becoming boyfriend), man (the 'ganaz' looking guy..but not at all) and aryfuddin (the metrosexual guy)..all together was 14 person..
All of us went there convoy with 3 cars.. departed on 12.30 friday midnight and arrived about 8.30 am at hulu terengganu. Then having 'nasi dagang' that rosniza's mother made for breakfast..very2 delicious and also with nice desert (kuih ice-cream)..then directly to the dam..about half an hour waiting for the boat, we filled the precious time with....snap pictures of course!! (able to see at http://bilis81.fotopages.com). About 10.30 am the boat brought us to our destination which was the Sungai Lasir. Sungai Lasir was very2 beautiful river with the waterfall..still unpolluted..clean and green (means the area is very deep). Just after the boat has been parked, all of the girls went to the Sg Lasir to take a bath.. We were really having fun taking a bath and swimming.. we talked..we laughed..we were very2 happy.. but the nice moment became a tragedy.. one of us drown and almost died......to be continued

Very2 tired laa.. i continue this tomorrow k?

ok..it's time for me to share the most unforgetable incident that happened to us there..

When Nieza cried saying that Haslina was drown, i saw she was not quit far from me and others..and i thought that situation was not really dangerous because she just about 1 meter from us (the shallower area)..and then Sharifah cried and ask me and other to hold each other and tried to reach Haslina..we've done it but we failed..that area was deep actually..
Then suddently Haslina disappear..and i saw her in the middle of the river..i didn't know how suddenly she could be there..there was Nieza (the only one who could swim) tried to grab her..but she was unable to save Haslina because she was not strong enough..she's a girl, what do you aspect..then i could see Haslina's hands struggle hopelessly..there was no one could save her..all of us depend on Nieza..but Nieza also almost drown..
all of us cried for help..
We were lucky because my husband, din and a kid from the boat was not far from us searching for worms..

When there was no sign of Haslina..no wave..no bubble at all, then i realized that i will never see Haslina again..serious..i just remember i cried "abang, tolong..Haslina" but in my mind..Haslina was dead that time..

And when i saw Haslina came out to the surface and grasp to Nieza's leg, i relieved..and my husband grab and pull them from going down into the water again..all of hug her along with tears...

To all readers..it's really important to know how to swim..not to save people but to save yourself..and a good parents should train their children how swimming earlier because kids are easy to learn in an early age..and another thing i have learned, don't panic..try to be cool when there is dangerous situation happened..trust me..and once again i want to say..learn how to swim..it is really2 important.. beside, it's a sunnah..right?

Monday, July 28, 2008

ThE CoMinG BacK

Hahahaha... I am actually forgotten that I have created this blog long long time ago..2004 or 2005??hmm..if I am not mistaken la..this was mira's idea I believe..I can't even think why I created this blog..but the idea to continue this blog came when I saw Kak Haslina's Blog (http://lailakamilia.blogspot.com) and also from my husband,Zakiamani...He said that I can publish my experience, my knowledge or any other information about speacial education (I am speacial education teacher)to others..sounds nice right??I am actually not enough experience yet with the children..maybe the following 3 to 4 years I might say that I have experience..but still not an expert I think..(compare to the parents who have speacial child)..I can't promise that this blog could be a great page for speacial education's information..but maybe I can insert some of my daily experience with those children..Ok this all for this moment..Chao..